Access & Contact

Contact us, reach the hotel

Contact us

Phone : 0596660530   Ou by mail :

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By car

From Lamentin airport, at the crossroads :

  • Take the RN5 towards SUD CARIBES-TROIS ILETS
  • Take the Rivière-Salée exit and take the 1st interchange on the right towards TROIS ILETS.
  • Cross the town of TROIS ILETS and after the entrance to the Golf course, take the 1st right towards ANSE MITAN - POINTE DU BOUT.
  • At the small roundabout of ANSE MITAN (hotel zone) turn right and continue straight ahead.
  • Pass the Casino, the entrance of La Pagerie is in the roundabout at the end of the street.

By Maritime Shuttle

From Fort de France, the "Vedettes Madinina Tropicales" maritime shuttles leave every 30 minutes from the quay located in front of Mac Donald's, near the bus station. Allow 20 minutes for the crossing.


We have about fifteen parking spaces in front of the hotel (including one for disabled persons).

About 15 additional spaces are available in the car park of the car rental company Hertz. 
Please contact our reception if you wish to make use of them.
Finally, less than two minutes' walk from the hotel, a large free public car park is at your disposal.


Hotel La Pagerie - Martinique Hotel La Pagerie - Martinique Hotel La Pagerie - Martinique